Charged with a DUI or DWI in Florida? You'll Need FR44 Insurance
For Florida drivers who have been charged with a DUI or DWI, it is necessary to obtain an FR44 insurance policy or DUI insurance. An FR44 provides a certificate of financial responsibility to the state of Florida to show you are carrying the required liability insurance.
The State of Florida requires an FR44 certificate for the following convictions:
● Caught driving while the 'driver's license has been suspended due to a conviction
● Caught driving under the influence of drugs or intoxicants
● Juveniles caught driving while the 'driver's license has been suspended due to the finding of not innocent
The violation of the provisions of any federal law. Or the law of any other state or any valid local ordinance similar to the above.
If the policy lapse or cancels for any reason, your insurance carrier must notify the state that coverage is no longer in place. Due to the nature of the conviction, the liability requirements for Florida FR44 insurance are quite higher than those necessary for an SR22.
FR44 Insurance Requirements in Florida
In addition to carrying personal injury protection or PIP, you must also maintain the following liability limits.
● $100,000 of bodily injury liability coverage per person injured in an accident
● $300,000 of bodily injury liability coverage per accident
● $50,000 if property damage liability coverage per accident
You must have your FR44 filing in place for three consecutive years from the date of conviction with no lapse in your coverage to reinstate your driver's license.
In addition to the higher limits, Florida requires those with an FR44 filing to pay at least six months of coverage at a time. Meaning monthly payments are not an option. However, this requirement may be different when you renew your policy.
We Can Help High-Risk Drivers with Florida FR44 Requirements
Once you are convicted of DUI or DWI, it can be hard to secure insurance as you now considered a high-risk driver. At S.E. Benchmark, we can help drivers with special circumstances obtain the auto insurance they need to get back on track.
As an independent insurance agency, we work with multiple carriers to ensure you get the best coverage possible at a price you can afford. If you have found yourself in the situation where you need an FR44 and have questions on how to obtain coverage, please give us a call today. Our insurance experts are here to answer any questions you may. You can reach us at (954) 371-0010.